Auto detailing is the performance of thorough cleaning, restoration, and finishing of an automobile, both inside and out, to produce a show-quality level of detail. BackgroundProfessional detailing services and sale of products to both professionals and hobbyists represent a large commercial presence in places where autos are a primary mode of transport. In the United States alone, the professional and home detailing industry is over $9 billion in revenue.[1] Components of detailingDetailing is generally broken down into two categories: exterior and interior, or cabin. Th
2019-07-14 21:02:48
A car wash (also written as "carwash") or auto wash is a facility used to clean the exterior[1] and, in some cases, the interior ofmotor vehicles. Car washes can be self-serve, fully automated, or full-service with attendants who wash the vehicle. HistoryWith the modern convenience of touchless automatic car washes, it may be difficult to remember that the industry was not always so high-tech. Though, other commercial car washes came before it, the first semi-automatic car wash in the United States made its debut in 1946, and from there, the industry has grown in both size and sophi
2019-07-14 21:05:02