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The Story of Water Repellent Material

Date: 2019-07-13 14:04:52
Viewed: 9094

The Story of Water Repellent Material

On a sunny day, Seol Jaecheol and his friends went for a walk in the park. Just as they marveled at the blooming lotus, suddenly it started to rain. His friends immediately ran to the nearby pavilion, but The Story of Water Repellent Materialhe was motionlessly standing there. His friends shouted to him: "Run quickly or you will get very wet, Don’t get crazy" But he still stayed on. At this time, his friends found that he was observing the water droplets on the lotus leaves. At this time he was very curious about the crystal beads on the lotus leaves. He was thinking: "Why did not the water droplets get into the lotus leaf?"



 With this question, he picked up a lotus leaf back home and took out his microscope to observe the lotus leaf carefully. He was surprised to find that the water droplets on the lotus leaf was not infiltrated because on the surface of the lotus leaf it was covered with lots of microscopic thorns shaping just like hills on moutains to repel and isolate water. It can be a good isolation of water droplets, so as to prevent water droplets from penetrating into the lotus leaf. So he screamed, "If on a rainy day, raindrops slide on slippery car paint just like the water on the lotus leaves, this would be a magical thing!” With this idea, he began numerous trials with his efforts and devotion. Finally he developed the water repellent material successfully.


The Story of Water Repellent Material

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