Time: 2019-07-14 20:07:23
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  Washing your car can be a relaxing and satisfying activity. And you will pay extra attention to especially dirty areas of your vehicle when you wash your car. However, it is worth remembering that washing your car the wrong way or using the wrong products is the most common way of inflicting damage to your paintwork so far 1.   1. Preparing to Wash the Car Park the car out of direct sunlight. This prevents premature drying which can leave splotches on the paint. Washing your car in direct sunlight also runs the risk of your car becoming hot while you wash it, which will result in water evaporating more quickly and making the cleaning process more difficult2.   1.1 Set everything you will need near the car Except the actual detailing products, there&#
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Automotive paint is paint used on automobiles for both protection and decoration purposes.[1][2] The paint layers total to around 100 µm.CharacterizationModern automobile paint is applied in several layers, with a total thickness of around 100 µm(0.1mm). HistoryIn the early days of the automobile industry, paint was applied manually and dried for weeks at room temperature. As mass production of cars started, paint was dried in ovens. Nowadays, paint is usually applied by robotic arms and dried in just a few hours.Environmental lawsUntil several decades ago lead, chromium and oth
Time: 2019-07-14 20:19:39
 Your Guide in Choosing the Best Product for your Car You’re walking down the street and something caught your attention, a shiny, brand-new looking car. Surely this has happened to all of us, we would of course – have a second look. Just like when we see someone beautiful and sexy, we just can’t help but take notice. For someone who owns the car, we want to have the best ride in town and it gives us pride to know that when we drive – people admire our car. How do we do that? Well, have a car that is clean, has a neat paint job and shiny of course. One of the
Time: 2019-07-14 20:23:27
 Automotive paint is paint used on automobiles for both protection and decoration purposes.[1][2] The paint layers total to around 100 µm.CharacterizationModern automobile paint is applied in several layers, with a total thickness of around 100 µm(0.1mm). HistoryIn the early days of the automobile industry, paint was applied manually and dried for weeks at room temperature. As mass production of cars started, paint was dried in ovens. Nowadays, paint is usually applied by robotic arms and dried in just a few hours.Environmental lawsUntil several decades ago lead, chromium a
Time: 2019-07-14 20:25:32
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